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Delete a Job

Deleting a job allows you to remove a job within your organisation that is no longer required. Open, Inactive, and Upcoming jobs can be deleted.

Please Note: Deleting a job is only allowed if no candidates have registered for the job. Once a candidate has registered, the job can only be made Inactive to prevent further applications.


To complete this process:

  • You must have “Full access” granted to your account for the Users > Hiring > Jobs permission (available to Administrators or above).


  • If assigned to a specific job, you must have “Full access” granted for the Users > Hiring > Assigned jobs permission (available to Administrators or above).

How to complete this flow:   

  1. Click on the 3-ellipses for the job you want to delete.
  2. Click “Delete job” and click “Yes” on the confirmation dialog to delete the job.