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Clone a Profiler
Cloning a profiler allows you to create a copy of an existing profiler that has previously been created in your organisation. You may want to do this if you want to use an existing profiler as a baseline, but want to retain the original profiler unchanged.
To complete this process:
- You must have “Full access” granted to your account on the Users > Benchmarking > Profilers permission (available to Administrators and above).
- An existing profiler to clone.
How to complete this flow:
- In the navigation panel, go to Benchmarking > Profilers.
- In the top right, click the “Create new Profiler Button”.
- Click on the “Saved Profilers” tile.
- Click on the name of the profiler you want to clone. The search bar can be used to quickly find an existing profiler.
- Enter a name for the profiler in the free text box in the top left of the screen.
- Please follow the profiler-specific guides for details on how to edit and save the type of profiler selected for cloning.