Dashboard Analytics

Insights at a Glance.

Customise your dashboard to quickly provide the game-changing insights that will boost the performance of your company.

You're in Charge.

You're in Charge.

Your dashboard is configured to show everything you need to make fast, cost effective and accurate decisions about your people.

The most click-efficient user experience on the market.

We measure and produce a lot of information about your people but that is all behind the scenes. Our intelligent and intuitive dashboard quickly turns the complex data into user-friendly insights.

One Platform. Source of Truth. Holistic View.

Intuitive Interface
The Cognisess platform is intuitive and intelligent for the ultimate click-efficient user experience.
Built in Reports and Analytics
Reports and analytics at the click of your mouse. Download and share with your teams as you wish.
Real-time Business Insight
A single pane visibility into all key business metrics. View and analyse up to date information in real time.
Simply drag and drop to customise the dashboard and see only the information you want to see.
Permission Sensative
With one click, simply turn on or off permissions for each of your admin users, by role. You are in charge of who sees what, when.
Easy Export
Download CSV and PDF reports to see a detailed overview of each individual or team.
Asset 28
Two Factor Security
Fully Customisable
SLA and 24/7 Support
Integration Ready
Single Sign On
GDPR and ISO Compliant

Together we can build the workforce of tomorrow.